Seth's school blog @ FLCC

About me

My name is Seth. I am a former Information Systems major at Fingerlakes Community College. This was my blog when I attended the college.

Since then I have transfered from FLCC to Buffalo State and have graduated.

This site does not see many updates, but since I still have access to it, I have elected to update the landing page.

There are a few references to Supplemental Instruction (SI) on this site. That was a job I had as a student.

I had another student webpage from when I was a student at Buffalo State.

My current blog, which is the one that I update more often than these student sites, can be accessed here.

Some coding resources that I recommend as of 2021-10-05

This is old...

You can access the index page from 2018 here.

You may also proceed to my personal downloads section, which includes old code I had written, and some small games.

Older educational resources

Files not previously linked to... I think!

This might give you terminal cringe.

It certainly gave me cringe.

Some java source files